
Showing posts from 2012

Europe Trip - March 2012

London will be hosting the Olympic Games this Summer! My first glimpse of Big Ben Parliament with Big Ben in the background.  So much history here! Inside parliament withs ome members of my cohort Double-decker buses.  No visit to London is complete without riding these bad boys at least once. Standing on London Bridge with Tower Bridge in the background Lorcester Square at 2am.  The city never sleeps! Millennium Bridge, the most photographed bridge in all of London.  The Death-Eaters destroy this bridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Trying to get into Platform 9 3/4 The Royal Family made out of Legos Tralfalgar Square, my favorite place in London.  It's massive and people just come to soak up some sun and enjoy the center of London Westminster Abbey Waiting for The Tube, London's subway system My classmates after a day of meetings Knocking on the door of Sherlocke Holm